Active Worlds Game Rating: 3,5/5 5976 votes

Im back and now a new game is in sights lets get started. This is me (Drac) and some of my clan mates (including Admiral Elwhopo and Captain Litefinger) killing enemies in Sirius on Pirate Galaxy http://pirategalaxy. Pirate Galaxy is an epic space game with numerous planet systems and thousands of quests. To survive, you have to fight your way through the galaxy. Pirate Galaxy: The Empire is Corrupted! While the human colonies were overrun by the Mantis, the empire betrayed and abandoned them. Outnumbered by the enemy, the colonial forces struggled with the. Pirate galaxy gameplay 3.

Active Worlds - Directory of free multiplayer online games. Multiplayer 3D virtual world and 3D chat with excellent graphics. Create your own world or visit other players' worlds. The Active Worlds game is probably considered ancient by technology standards, but is still apparently explorable and thought to be completely abandoned — until the discovery of a questionable NPC. It was thought by Vinesauce to be an NPC, asking if he was in need of assistance, until it was responding in a fashion a human being would.

Come join us in ActiveWorlds for free! Download now at!Post your events, creations or news related to the main Active Worlds universe or its offshoots or technology here.Regular Events SundaysCommunity Meeting 18:00 / 6:00PM VRT Location VariesCandyland 1:30 / 1:30AM VRT Winter 650n 1967e FridaysTGIF Party 23:59 / 11:59PM VRT Location Varies SaturdaysCombat Paintball 22:00 / 10:00PM VRT Combat Important posts.Related Subreddits. General posts on virtual reality including software and hardwareUniverses. Official website and universe.Useful Links. I'm saddened by the fact that when I logged on to activeworlds this month, I saw that no one was playing it anymore. It's a shame because I really had a fun time there.

Active worlds review

I joined around 2016 with the username SplatJuice (I still use that account) and I just started hanging out in the main lobby and talked with mods and users almost every day for a month and had a word with the infamous 'Hitomi'. I attended a Skype group that ran a 'Deal or No Deal' event taking place within Activeworlds and I really enjoyed it. I really felt comfortable being in the game despite the fact that I didn't know who these people were or what they looked/sounded like.All of a sudden, I just stopped.

No activity of the game until I logged in once in 2017 and promised that I'll be active again. I was wrong and I moved on with my life.Now, we're at the present.

I logged in on the 1st/2nd of November, 2019 on my SplatJuice account to find out no one was playing this game anymore. I'll be honest, I was a bit emotional. I missed those times I had and felt a bit guilty for not being there all those times. There were no admins or mods to take care of the servers nor there were any players (I saw one but they were AFK).

I miss this community and I wish it was brought back even after 20 years. It's now a barren wasteland and I wonder to myself sometimes, why didn't the servers get shut down?If anyone can see this then do comment so I'm not alone on this. It would be nice to talk to someone who could relate and talk about Activeworlds in general.

I really had a good time there.Thank you for taking the time to read this:D. I started messing with the game at least ten or fifteen years ago before I was a teenager, it's always been empty from my experience. That's what characterizes it the most for me, so, returning to Mars or America or Atlantis in 2019 is the same that it's ever been. Empty, peaceful.It's cool that you have memories of a community in activeworlds, but the game is so old that this kind of experience was simply before my time.

Even if I found other players, I would have been far too immature to interact with them, so I didn't.And these days I come back every few months, just to be alone with my thoughts. I'm very happy that the servers are still up. I was on AW heavy from 2001-2004, barely a teenager.It’s strangely depressing seeing how hard it fell. Those times really did feel like some VR-pioneer Wild West shit 😂 I have so many memories of building full of positive creativity, as well as virtual debauchery — childish trolling, cracked servers (“X-Worlds”) etc.I often wonder what the people I interacted with most are up to today, even the ones I “didn’t get along with”.Shout out Scruff aka Nicola, Gamer aka Robbie, XelNaga, Poseidon, Brooke99, Daphne, and the controversy-king Gavroche. I've popped back into the game every now and then.I was in it originally back in '98, when it was seeing peek numbers. You'd see 100's of people in the popular worlds, and BOY was it laggy.

I was working on a 56k modem at the time. The game today still looks pretty horrible on the out-dated engine, but the charm is still there on some level.I did get a message recently from someone who I hung out with years ago in 3D chat room, but the haven't gotten back to me after I sent my reply.I'm back in it now, and I'm enjoying running around all the old builds my friends and I put together in Alpha World. Crazy amount of time trying to create all his unique stuff based on games we were into as well as our own personal stories. To more directly answer your question, AW is still going because it costs pennies to operate. All of us knew AW would be dead by 2011.

All of us knew AW would be dead by 2015. All of us knew AW would be dead by 2020. Each time, we were all wrong. Even though the user count keeps dropping, the technology is very efficient; they could keep it running for decades more without worrying about cost.However, AW will never regain its old population, which is such a shame.

I made some great memories in that place (2001-2016). I wish it would’ve taken off more than it did.