Exiled Kingdoms Beggar Rating: 4,1/5 240 votes

Eventually, the kingdom was destroyed in battle. The survivors were forced into exile by their captors. Even then, God did not abandon them. God's love does not.

This character is the leader or even 'king' of all the homeless, indigent, and castoffs in a city. Either by dint of age, respect, or obstinate madness he has authority over the homeless.

The king may be a crime boss type, a mayor who keeps their society running, leading a group of street urchins, or an actual king who holds court. Regardless of how much wealth he has, he always stays purposefully poor and in a homeless lifestyle.More often than not, in the know will respect him and even ask him for help or, assuming he doesn't have a higher education equivalent knowledge. Usually these guys are also suffering a mental illness that makes them a. However, an especially beloved king (it helps if they aren't violent) may have their delusion humored by a whole city. The miniseries features Deacon Blackfire's of homeless people.

During the run of the title character encountered 'the King,' who ruled the homeless in the New York sewer system in analogy to ruling the New York mobs. He even has his own pet that. Marvel also has an evil example, the Tatterdemalion.

Originally a member of high society from a rich family, he was swindled out of everything he owned by Las Vegas mobsters, and because a destitute. After being recruited by to foster an environment of fear in Los Angeles, he committed random crimes against the wealthy, destroying their material possessions, motivated purely out of envy and hatred towards the system. He has fought heroes like, the, and.

Calisto (and later Storm), leader of the Morlocks, outcast mutants who live in the sewers of New York. One comic has a literal King of the Homeless, holding court in the sewers. One story in has the term 'hobo jungle' taken literally, with the hoboes looking like Amazonian natives. Their king is a long-haired guitar player.

Tiki taka soccer game. In 's brief Magog series there was a villain named Miasma who was basically Bernie Madoff turned into this trope. In the pages of the, the supervillain Ragdoll eventually becomes one of these, forming a cult around himself that he uses to terrorize Star City and his old nemesis. In, The Swell thinks that he's a King of the Homeless because he leads the Street Arabs gang. Cross boss. In reality, he's a who's only survived as long as he has because the larger gangs didn't see any point in killing him. This changes after he tries to sell the Runaways to the leaders of the Sinners — who just happen to be Dale and Stacey Yorkes, two of the Runaways' enemies.

After learning that their future selves were killed by the Runaways, the Yorkes decide to liquidate the Street Arabs, destroying The Swell's tiny 'kingdom'. In of Victory, the Manhattan Guardian spends the first half of his miniseries dealing with a war between two kings, No-Beard and All-Beard, whose pirate gangs are in a race to find a treasure hidden in the subway system. The Chairman in is a crime boss type. Getting rid of him (kinda.) causes much rejoicing. has the Bowery King, who runs a network of homeless or otherwise downtrodden people throughout New York City., a movie starring, deals with a main character who quests to become one.: Grimy old Zacarias is referred to as 'the beggar king'. Sure enough, he's later revealed to command an army of beggars and street performers, all of whom give him payoffs mob boss style.

Played for laughs in, with hobos carrying off a tied-up while declaring him their King. (It actually does make sense in context. Sort of.). has the newsboys of New York who live together in boarding houses and live day-to-day by buying the newspapers to sell them to the people. When their prices are raised, Jack Kelly bands them together to go on strike, but to be effective they need every borough of New York, especially Brooklyn which is the territory of Spot Conlon.

As the most respected and feared newsie in New York, Jack knows Spot holds the most leverage. Wilco from Parasites, a film about a lost motorist being chased through an by a horde of homeless people that he and his friends had managed to piss off. has a gag where Mel Funn — having just fallen off the wagon, hard — buys an absolutely massive wine bottle and stumbles into a back alley. All the homeless in the alley gather around Mel and hail him as 'the king of the winos'. Soviet propaganda film has such a character, who is actually referred to as the 'King'. ('My kingdom is limitless.'

) He mobilizes his army of vagrants to infiltrate the striking workers and cause a disturbance, so the authorities will have an excuse to break the strike with force. has the Hobo King as one of the many weird characters whom the protagonist meets during his investigation.

discusses the Hobo Kings in some depth. Among other distinctive features, they apparently reincarnate rather like the Dalai Lama.

has a Homeless King in San Francisco, very clearly modeled on Emperor Norton of the same city. has Queen Molly, head of the Beggar's Guild. This is; the King or Queen of the Beggars has to be aware of their station, so in, Molly's predecessor asks people if they could spare 300 dollars for a civic banquet, or could put him up in a sixteen-bedroom mansion for the night. There's the Beggar King of Nadsokor from the.

A whole that characterize, and the story is about their king stealing Elric's imperial jewels. Rafi, from James Elroy Flecker's (1923), is probably the earliest straight example of this trope happening on a large scale: He's rich and conspiring against the Sultan — this, of course, makes this one. Clopin in is something along the lines of a beggar king. He is a beggar, conman, and pickpocket, whose skill has earned him the leadership position among the Romani, and lower class citizens. He in the Court of Miracles. Clopin's main redeeming factor is, and willingness to put his life on the line to help them. Cheng Pa, the leader of the Beggar's Guild in some of the stories.

Despite his laid-back personality, he's just as capable a fighter as the judge's henchmen (one scene has him settle a dispute between two beggars by picking them both up and knocking their skulls together). He's also a civil force to be reckoned with: anybody who pisses him off can look forward to an army of filthy hoboes parked on their business' doorstep, driving customers away without any violence or effort on their part. Aibou: There's a whole homeless republic/hippie commune in a section of one of the cities, and its self-appointed President becomes the victim of a crime.: Byron, leader of the rogue telepaths on the eponymous space station. An early episode of has a murder occur in the flood run-off tunnels underneath Washington, D.C. The primary witness/suspect is a homeless man who lives in the tunnels, and has a clear position of leadership and respect among the homeless community down there. Brennan has to remind Booth that the homeless man does have authority in the tunnels, so Booth can't just rough up or intimidate the guy like he would normally do.

'The Doctor' from the episode 'Persuader', a vindictive former who led a community of homeless pickpockets living in an. He attracts the BAU's attention when he begins having followers who tried to leave him killed.: / features the Hooverville of Depression-era Central Park, where the de facto leader of the homeless is a wise man. has Terek, who leads the mutant Deviates, exiled by Ming from the city. Unbeknownst to Ming and Aura, he's Ming's son and Aura's brother. He and Aura eventually lead a takeover of the city and try to have their father executed. Erg, leader of the Morlocks on.: Jimmy James's nemesis Johnny Johnson, having been ruined in a previous episode, showed up later as 'King of the Winos'. In we meet Dregs, who died in.

Returning from the dead actually cleared up most of his mental difficulties, and he's now the unofficial chief of an krewe of homeless Sin-Eaters protecting the indigent from supernatural predators, and acting as information brokers to other krewes. The Beggar King, leader of the Beggar Fraternity in. Who is the Topsy King?In his own words: 'A goden most capering!

Hines the walkskies, chanter the powb raggedy men. Dab with viddlo, too, goden!'

So there we have it. has Alden Tate of the Dustmen, who are sort of. Super-powered homeless that can make junk and.

Hodgman the Hoboverlord from.: In an, Cave Johnson became the Hobo King, ruling over the derelict remains of Aperture. Scotchmo from will, during the epilogue, be elected king of the hobos of Arizona and California if he joined the Rangers and survived the endgame.

Francis Bedlam, one of Novigrad´s Undeground Bosses from rules over the city's beggars, thieves and street urchins from his hideout at Putrid Grove. Yuri in the DLC is house leader of the and the de facto chief of the various outcasts who make up the population of the Abyss. Bruce Lee is a drug dealer and former street fighter who acts as the self-appointed leader and protector of the huge population of homeless, addicts, street kids and other social rejects in Romania's captial city Bucharest. He even rules a community in the underground heating tunnels beneath the city. The United States has a National Hobo Convention, which elects a king., who died in 2006, was for much of his life the King of the Hobos.


was not only king of the homeless in San Francisco, but declared himself Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico after losing all his money in a bad rice deal. He seemed to exist on the cusp of homelessness, sometimes living in a boarding house and tolerated by amused high-class citizens who saw him as a source of entertainment for patrons of their establishments.