Life Is Strange 2 Episode 4 Release Date Rating: 3,2/5 3359 votes

The first three episodes of Life is Strange 2 are currently available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. This fourth episode will be released this. And “PlayStation” are registered trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. “ Image of the Playstation 4 logo ” is a trademark of the same company.

The two brothers continue their journey on the road into the winter months and struggle against the cold. As Daniel gradually falls ill, Sean’s concern for his younger brother increases and decides the pair of them must make their way to their distant grandparents' house to recover and seek shelter.During their stay, they encounter next-door neighbour Chris, a young boy the same age as Daniel who believes he is a super-hero by the name of Captain Spirit.As Daniel and Chris begin to form a friendship, Sean insists on Daniel following a set of rules around his power. Will Daniel keep his power concealed or break the rules in a time of need?Notes- Episodes 2-5 bundle and Episodes 2 to 5 require Episode 1 to play.- Episodes 2 to 5 are also available for individual purchase.Show More. Submitted on 5/12/2019 Review title of Gamefreak752My Review: Life is Strange 2 - Episode 2You know, I can understand why people might not enjoy this season as much as the original. The original had a mystery that needed to be solved whereas this season is all about dealing with the fallout of a tragic incident. Though I don't find this new story quite as interesting as the original, I think it does what it does quite well.The political elements present in the previous episode take the back seat in this one.

It is, mind you, still present. It's just in a couple optional reading segments and not shoved in your face via key dialogue. However, religion takes the light a bit in a prayer sequence, but it isn't forced upon you. You're given the option to not participate, which is surely something people will appreciate.Not much happens in this episode, and it is far from 'the best in the franchise', but it is a fine episode nevertheless.Episode 3: 'Wastelands' is out now.Episodes 4 and 5 are scheduled to release on August 22nd and December 3rd.

Submitted on 9/28/2018 Review title of TheKrunchyOneLIFE IS STRANGE 2 Is a good buy.IF your a fan of the series, you will definitely enjoy this game. If you haven't played the series before you are in for a treat.

Powdered eggs. Though compared to the last few games, I think there should have been more objects to interact with like in previous games. Aside from that, the deep storyline will definitely keep you coming back for more, Plus with the role of being a 'BIG BROTHER' you really have to take that little reminder to heart. Being that you should make your choices carefully as your actions will have consequences. Submitted on 5/10/2019 Review title of Gamefreak752My Review: Life is Strange 2 - Episode 3Get ready for me to sound like every movie/game trailer ever.This is the best episode yet this season. All of the new characters are cool and diverse. I didn't like some of them at first, but they all eventually won me over.

The locations and story structure are very interesting in this episode. Without spoiling anything, the opening sequence will catch you off guard, and I'm glad it's there.One negative that I have is that none of the choices were very difficult for me to make; almost every choice seemed obvious. I've never cared very much for that though because I believe it doesn't really affect the story itself.Be prepared for the ending though. When the message, 'To be continued.' Appeared on screen, I blurted out, 'Wait, THAT'S how it ends?' Don't get me wrong, it's NOT a bad ending. It's actually quite a good ending when you consider the possibilities.

In short, I have NO CLUE what they're gonna do for episode 4.And I couldn't be more excited! Submitted on 12/7/2018 Review title of TardisBlueGirlI love LIFE IS STRANGE 2!!This game has a bit of a different atmosphere than the other ones. I absolutely love this game and its just as good so far as the first ones! It's a bit faster paced than the other games, but it will definitely leave you wanting to play it more!! They improved the graphics which is awesome! I honestly don't have any complaints about it.

If you loved the other Life is Strange games, you will most definetly like this one!