Metal Slug Defense Rating: 4,5/5 6118 votes

2019-3-15  西西提供METAL SLUG DEFENSE(合金弹头塔防)下载,METALSLUGDEFENSE合金弹头塔防作为第一部合金弹头的塔防游戏,受到当时全球玩家的兴趣因素所以还是有着非常多的人能够接受的,但是对于一部分人来说可能非常的,METALSLUGDEFENSE. Thank you very much for your precious feedback via the Discussion Board. We have the pleasure to announce that “METAL SLUG DEFENSE” (Steam ver.).

P.S (before you comment):The conditions of the POW rescues stated in this post MAY apply only to the Metal Slug Defense of the version before 1.5.0. If you have something to add on, please proceed to the here (v1.8.0).Before that, let's see how far i have reached. And many more.Yeah! I have completed World 1, World 2 and World 3! (Including all Emergency Areas)World 1 CompletedWorld 2 Completed.UPDATED (2014-07-10).Thanks for all your feedback for the points here.Below shows the summary of the conditions to save the POWs in the Metal Slug Defense game. Each condition might only allow you to rescue 1 POW.

So you might play the same stage again and again to rescue the others. DO NOT activate soldiers' skill (Yup, it is the glowing lights on the soldiers. Suppress yourself from the temptation. You will be surprised that the chances of saving the POW would be greatly increased. Suspected stages: World 1 stage 1-1, 3-2, 3-4, 7-1, etc). Minimum Casualties (or NO casualties) (At the beginning stage, you may use the Sandbag strategically to minimize the casualties to 0.

After you have unlocked or purchased more powerful units, you may use those high-HP units while reducing the low-HP units in the battle). Minimum soldiers summoned (Don't unleash all your soldiers on the deck infinitely. If impossible, reduce your soldiers amount to as minimum as possible in order to save the POW. Suspected stage: World 1 stage 5-3 (around 7 soldiers for my case) ). Minimum soldiers types summoned (It is observed that in some stages, you may only use limited soldier types in order to save the POW.

Suspected stage: World 1 stage 6-2 (only summon Marco, Eri and Sandbag, or just 2 types) ). Time consumption (This is the most common requirement - defeat the stage AS FAST AS POSSIBLE.

With the new updates, you may take the 'Rank S' as the reference. Usually, you can experiment this condition as the first priority after having all the HOME and UNIT upgraded to the Max). Do not upgrade 'AP Buildup speed' during combat(The Rumi Aikawa, on the bottom left. We tend to upgrade the AP buildup initially.

But sometimes it requires us not to tap on it in order to save the POW. Suspected stage: World 1 stage 6-4, 7-4, World 2 stage 1-1). Do not use sandbag (Sandbag is a great defense, especially when you haven't upgraded your troops sufficiently. But you might not need it any more once you own more powerful units. The chances of rescuing the POW could be increased without the sandbag. Suspected stage: World 1 stage 9-2).

Metal Slug Attack activation (It is definitely one of our favorite weapons to effectively crush the enemies. But in some stages, you might not use it for the sake of POW saving ). Maximum One unit per soldier type on your deck (Thanks for some Metal Slug Defense maniacs here for proving that this condition is effective in the POW rescue. Yup, tap your soldiers never more than once on the deck during the combat). DO NOT summon the bought soldiers (To be more precise, you may only use the basic units, such as Marco, Eri, etc.

Suspected stages: World 1 stage 9-5, and many others in World 2). Only use Blue Soldier (and Metal Slug Attack 3 times) (This is the strangest observation made. But surprisingly it does help rescue the POW. Suspected Stages: World 2 stage 5-1, stage 5-2, stage 10-4). Defeat the BOSS first (eg: giant tanks, etc) before the enemies' portal (Here, the BOSS may be anything with larger-than-usual sizes (eg: tanks, lobster, etc).

The approach is, to wait until the BOSS moves out of the portal completely before you unleash the soldiers' skills. ). Defeat the portal first before the BOSS (This is the opposite with the point above.

Before the Boss moves out of the portal, destroy the portal with the soldiers' skill. Suspected stage: World 2 stage 6-4)Some other game variations suggested by other players that you might want to experiment on (which i haven't tested). Only summon machines, but no walking soldiers. Fully upgrade 'AP Buildup speed'Then you might be asking 'Are you crazy? Nobody got time for that!'

.I feel the same. So, to reduce the sortie amounts consumed and my time, i tend to test on multiple conditions at the same time.Especially now there is a new Daily Boss Challenge introduced. Both time and sortie points are running out easily. Here's my order of experiment (Except the third 'Hell' Boss stage):.

Use only minimum Trevor. (while using it, i tend to ' Not Upgrade AP buildup', ' Not activate skills', and ' Not activate Metal Slug Attack'). I assume Trevor as a bought unit should also be able to meet the conditions with the similar effects. If the stages are too strong to beat (such that i am forced to activate the skills, then i would further experiment on that later. Test on both ' Basic Units' and ' Minimum soldier types', Such as Fio, Marco, Eric. Test on ' Time Consumption', by using the strongest troops ever on my deck. Use only 1 soldier per unit type.In the Boss stage, I would go for 'Time Consumption' factor first.

Then, gradually, I test on the minimum troops and casualties.I believe this approach would save some time.Trevor: Highest HP among the non-machine soldiers. Fast Movement. Very High Attack. Special ability is to jump backward while unleashing more attacks.Thanks to 'dneng' for the info. Trevor is indeed an awesome unit that is worth a try.Just one thing for sure, you got to upgrade your HOME and UNIT from time to time, so that you can use the minimum resources and soldiers to defeat a stage. Apart from that, you are more able to use different approaches and strategies to destroy the enemies for the sake of the POW rescue.Before coming to an end, last but not least, you may also use the Bonus item 'Radar' to 100% rescue the POW.

Lol.To avoid you from getting drowned in the comments below, here's a quick list of specific stages that you might want to refer to, based on the game play experience from other players. (Thanks again for all the contributors' efforts). RanJo Calayag and Hoong Yi, thanks for your verification on the condition of 'Summon only 1 unit per soldier type'. Now the post is updated. Apart from that, i have added RanJo Calayag's point of 'Do not put the bought characters on the deck'. (i wish i could verify this soon, or do you have an idea of which stage is it?)Hoong Yi, i think what RanJo Calayag means is that he hopes this Metal Slug Defense would go endless (through hidden stuffs and the updates:p) Ya at first i thought this game would consume like less than 10 days to complete. But the secret POW rescue things make me continue for another few weeks lol.

(and still yet to finish). But it is definitely a great time killer.In terms of the possible updates, i think they could easily make too.

As observed from the current game play, once you unlock another world, the HOME and UNIT could be further upgraded for another 10 levels, while the enemies are getting harder.Still, kindly update me again if there are new findings.:)About Wifi VS, i haven't started playing any yet. Will join your conversation if i do.

Hi RanJo Calagya, you may. Urge the SND developers to quickly update another World in the google play. LolMeanwhile, i can most probably confirm another condition (inspired by your idea) - Do not summon the bought soldiers (but i still have it on the deck), such as Hyakutaro in the World 9-5 (correct me if i am wrong). I am used to summon this (old folk?) as he uses long range attack which helps reducing the casualties. Now i am left one more stage (11st) in World 1 for the POW rescue.Hoong Yi, sorry i can't help here (although i have already rescued the POW in stage 10.

Oops) Not sure if i have missed some points while playing. Could you roughly mention how to experiment?

Here's my orders:1. Summon soldiers as quickly as possible to defeat the stage faster - Time consumption2. Use SV-001, NOP-03 SARUBIA, DI-COKKA or anything having higher HP to reduce casualties as much as possible. (At the same time this uses the minimum soldier type (3 or 4))3. Don't upgrade AP build-up + Don't activate Metal Slug at the same time + Don't use sandbag (kill 3 birds with one stone lol)4.

Summon Only 1 unit per soldier type.5. Do not summon the bought soldiers6.

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Use only walking soldiers, no machines or vehicles.Something like this, combine the conditions if possible. Get Rank S at the first try in all the new stages (France and Mexico).:)Too bad that's no more POW rescue to unlock new units / elements (such as Nadia, Trevor, Ralf, Clark, Leona, etc. ).- But still, the new updates at least reward us with the 100 Medals + 60 more upon beating the stages. (like Hoong Yi said)AND the MSP is overflowing! (thanks to the infinite attempts of rescuing the POWs.) Just my personal opinion, it should be made such that the MSP can also be used to purchase the Shop Units (not just for the upgrading purposes).Anyway, i think there will be more updates in the future. RanJo, sorry for the lack of information.Specifically, i mean Tuesday Daily Boss (Kazakhstan) last stage.Hoong Yi, i have mentioned the New Missions in. Kindly refer to that:)My experience is, have an AP buildup upgrade several times first.

Then summon the troops as much as possible altogether to attack the enemy in order to make it moves backward. (if summon individually, they might be easily destroyed)RanJo's idea is useful also. You can strategically build the tanks before the enemy approaches you. 6-3: Got 1 POW upgrading AP Buildup speed twice, had summoned only one SV-Camel camel, one Ostrich Slug and two SV-001.

Lost the ostrich or the camel, can’t remember. Didn’t use the Metal Slug Attack. Didn't use special attack. I was trying to get the last POW for a long time now. Tried a lot of different stuff. This seemed the only strategy that worked.7-1: Got 1 POW by not upgrade AP Buildup, had one unit of each by the end (I didn't buy any additional units), didn’t use special skill, used Metal Slug Attack once.

Again, was trying this last POW for a long time, tried a lot of different stuff. I already cleared the game twice with all pows rescued. Hi pablp, i guess you have somehow fulfilled the conditions without knowing it.By the way, it may be also true that those conditions only increase the probability of rescuing the POWs (but not guarantee it). Say if you use lesser time to defeat a stage (and meet the threshold), you have a higher chance (eg: 90% ) of saving the POW.

Meanwhile, if you don't, you might still have a little chance (eg: 5%). So, in your case, i guess you would need to make more attempts if overlooking the hidden conditions.I agree with your last point, 'Rescue at least 1 POW per stage'. That significantly enhances the troops. We all know get what you mean.:)It is definitely the 'ultimate cheat' of playing the mobile games.But i haven't tried that. I still prefer having a normal game play first. So far as observed, Metal Slug Defense is a well designed game which doesn't emphasize on the item purchase with the real money in order to defeat the stages.

The rescue of POWs is more like an additionally interesting element that adds more variations into the game play. So i think it isn't necessary to have that 'ultimate cheat' yet.

Haha.Just beware of something before you root the device: 'warranty voided'. Hi, author!( i don't know how to address you, haha)My name is maxI'm trying to make some commend about this.-DO NOT activate soldiers' skillIt is very subjective, since need to be minimum soldiers, u must have to open the skill to encounter back.-Minimum Casualties (or NO casualties) (agree with this √√√)-Minimum soldiers summoned (agree with this √√√)-Minimum soldiers types summoned (subjective)-Time consumption (defeat the stage faster than the reloading 'Tank'. Hi Max, thanks for your long comments you can call me Edward.Regarding the feedback, just to further clarify here:- Each condition can be experimented independently.So, the conditions such as: Do not activate soldiers' skill.

It can be fulfilled without meeting the condition of 'minimum soldier'. Since the conditions of each stage vary, sometimes it doesn't matter if you summon infinite troops. As long as you don't activate the skills, the POWs can be rescued.On the other hand, the 'Time consumption' factor, in my opinion, is to finish the stage with the Rank 'S' in the latest update (sometimes i think Rank 'A' is fine). So, i don't think it has something to do with the Metal Slug Attack Charge time.Finally, i admit that those hidden conditions might only increase the probability of saving the POWs. And i might still miss some points here.I am still in the progress in the World 2. So far the conditions mentioned should work in World 1. And I haven't used any Cash yet:).

I followed Hoong Yi's advice (above)and tried a couple of things for myself:Stage 7-3, I got two POW's'u need to not use the special skill of a soldier. That one and possibly not using the Metal Slug Charge as well.' What I did to get POW#1:-Deck: Clark, Ralf, Trevor, Sandbag and SV-001 (in that order)-Did not activate special abilities-Not using Metal Slug-Upgraded base-Used each unit several timesWhat I did to get POW#2:-Deck: Clark, Ralf, Trevor, Sandbag and SV-001 (in that order)-Did not activate special abilities-Not using Metal Slug-No base upgrade-No casualties-No repeats (summoned each character only once). Stage 8-3I tried following Hoong Yi's advice (above):'Minimum soldiers summoned worked for World 1 Stage 8-2! Tried and tested! It worked'It did not work for me!(I used Clark, Ralf Trevot combo, summoned each only once, no powerups, no upgrades, no metal slug, and then tried the opposite with upgrades, powerups, metal slug activated and summon them several times, none worked)What I did to get a POW:-Deck: Non-store character-Upgraded base-No metal slug-used special character abilities-summoned characters several times.