Poodle Jumping Through Hoops Rating: 3,8/5 2041 votes

Teaching your dogs to jump through a hula hoop is easy, and this trick will turn your canine companions into stars with family and friends. First place the hoop on the floor. Put a tasty treat in.

Difficulty: Easy
Items Needed: Clicker, Treats, Hula Hoop, Helper

If you have ever been to the circus, you'll remember that act where the man comes out with his dogs and those big hula hoops. He holds the hoops high in the air and his dogs leap through and run around and leap through again, as fluently as a ballerina's grand jeté. Maybe you thought, 'Wow, I wish I could get my dog to do that,' but maybe you didn't know how, or if it was even possible, to train your dog to do that. Training your dog to leap through hoops is easy, and pretty soon, he'll be leaping through the air just like any professional circus dog.

Step 1: Let your dog get used to the hoop. Set it on the ground; click and treat when he approaches it.
Step 2: Have a helper hold the hoop (do not elevate the hoop) on the floor in front of him.
Step 3: Call your dog or lure him through the hoop. Click and treat as he walks through the hoop. Repeat this a few times so he will get used to walking through it.
Step 4: Hold the hoop a bit higher and tell him to 'Leap!' Click and treat if he jumps through the hoop.
Step 5: Keep on giving the hoop more height, clicking and treating each time.


Caspian wasn't so sure about the hula hoop when we started out. Each time I got it out, he would slowly back up a step, then another, and finally leave the room. But I soon taught him that it wasn't anything to be afraid of. Now, jumping through hoops is one of his favorite things, and he rarely requires a treat to do it. I sure did start out with treats, though! Each time he approached the hoop, which was lying motionless on the ground, I would click and treat. Then I had my helper hold the hoop upright as I guided Caspian through the hoop. He tried to go around it at first, but eventually he cooperated. Each time he went through the hoop, I clicked and gave him a treat. Soon, I thanked my helper and took the hula hoop, raising it a bit in the air. 'Leap!' I told him. Since he already knew Leap, he jumped right through. I clicked and treated. Each time we did it again, I raised the hula hoop just a bit higher. Soon, he was jumping through them at a very decent height! As we practiced this trick more and more, we started using smaller and smaller hoops.

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My dog hits the hoop every time!
It is OK to click and treat if your dog hits the hoop starting out. But soon you will want to eliminate this unwanted behavior by not clicking when any part of him touches the hoop. He will soon learn that he has to clear the hoop before he gets his treat.

Tip: 'Try using hoops of various sizes. Start out with a standard size hula hoop, but as your dog perfects the trick, try decreasing the size of the hoops. It's quite a spectacle to watch a full grown dog leap through a tiny hoop!'

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SHINING STARS'The main stars of The Dynamo Dogs are made up of a wide variety of talented canines!' Teaser “The Crowd Pleaser”, the son of Topper (Border Collie/Rat Terrier mix), possesses great speed and accuracy when snatching a disc out of the air. His drive and focus Amazes all audiences!

He’s certainly the star of many of our shows!Joker, appropriately named, is the clown of the clan He is a stunning Standard Poodle and is a world class high jumper that has cleared over 56’’! His unusual looks and drive for the disc amuses everyone.Gr8 K8 adopted from Sweet Border Collie Rescue in NY is amazing at catching a frisbee in any direction. But her claim to fame is the ability to tap the frisbees back to me in a series of throws and her finale trick is to leap off the pedestal while taking the frisbee out of the air!Glamour is proof that an old dog can learn new tricks, adopted at the age of 3 she has become one of the main Stars of the show. Pushing barrels and jumping through hoops, she's a crowds favorite and loves to spend time on the sidelines visiting the children.Seeker is the first Foster Failure on the team! Fostered for Australian Shepherds Furever but was so crazy to chase anything that moved that we figured he'd be best suited for a job of chasing and catching Frisbees!Prada a beautiful Red Doberman is always up for a game Frisbee and is learning to jump rope. She’s also going to give Joker a hand paw at performing the High Jump portion of the show!Quigley a rare breed of herding dog, he's a German Coolie, and shows off his many talents and skills while jumping through hoops and saluting our troops!Keeper The Rat Terrier with a tail, took 5 yrs of training before he became one of the Shining Stars of the show. He's a jack of all trades, Frisbee, Hoop jumping and overall tricks and master of jumping through the hoop of fire (fake of course) With his enthusiasm to perform he's also the comedy part of the 'Munckins of Mayhem'!Charlotte still performing at the age of 13, adopted from Rat Bone Rescue in Miami, FL.

Loves to jump over Glamour and through hoops and is also a member of the the 'Munchkins of Mayhem'Foxy Roxy a Chihuahua mix rescued from Kathi's K9s Dog Rescue & Adoptions out of Florida is part of the 'Munchkins of Mayhem' She's the official ladder climber and wheel walker. Everyone loves it when she leaves the stage to visit the audience!Kharma the mini- aussie adopted out of Connecticut. She is no doubt the clown of the 'Munchkins of Mayhem', going under jumps and under hoops instead of over and through them. She is the second half of the wheel walker and barrel props as well!