Super Hexagon Hyper Hexagonest
Terry Cavanagh Completes Hyper Hexagonest mode in Super Hexagon on stage (78:32). Nicole graves. 5 Deathless Minutes Of Super Hexagon (Hexagon Stage, 316. Super Velocibox 1,019,439 Full Combo. 2018-6-14 Hexagon难度:Hyper Hexagonest时间:668.42s现在世界纪录早已不是他了,但.
Screenshot of Hexagonest.Hexagonest is the third stage of. Its difficulty is listed as 'Hardest'.Upon completion of the stage's five levels, the achievement 'Triangle' is awarded and the stage's, is unlocked.There is seemingly a fast spin of approximately 360 degrees every 13 seconds (time can vary).Trivia. Hexagonest is slower than, but the arrow speed is faster, making this level to be considerered harder than both and. The colors cycle in this order: green, purple, orange, cyan, pink and yellow.