![](http://lparchive.org/Zork-Grand-Inquisitor/Update 22/55-64.jpg)
Zork Grand Inquisitor Castle
Insert Zork Grand Inquisitor CD 2 and copy the folder called ZASSETS2 into the Zork Grand Inquisitor in your hard drive. Ok here is the tricky part. Launch Zork Grand Inquisitor, which will open Classic -wait for boot to finish. Right about now your Mac will talk to you if you have text-to-speech enabled.
Zork Grand Inquisitor: Hints andCheats
Stuck? Need help? Hey, we allneed a little boost now and then. Nothing to be ashamed of.
Handy Hints -- some general things that maybe helpful to know while you play
Hint FAQ's -- If you're stuck, checkhere first. Chances are someone else has asked me the samequestion that's stumping you. By looking here first, you canavoid reading through the Walkthru and possibly spoiling otherparts of the game for yourself. Of course, if you're the kind ofperson who reads the last page of a book first, by all means goahead and skip right to the Walkthru!
ZGI Walkthru - step by stepinstructions for completing the game
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Scattered throughout the Empire are several transporter machines. Inserting your map into the machine will allow you to choose a destination to transport to, without having to walk there. Once you've been to a given destination, the transporter will be updated to allow you to return there. These machines are very handy since you'll have to do a lot of running back and forth between locations, so use them. It's much better than constantly getting onto the subway. You'll find transporters at the following locations:
- On the bridge at the Crossroads
- Next to the fountain at GUE Tech (only appears when you've exited through the door instead of the window)
- Beneath the open grate leading to the monastery
- In the yard to the right of the Dungeon Master's Lair
- At the entrance to the Spell Lab
- The entrance to Charon's boat in Hades
- Use the F8 key on your keyboard to put any inventory items that are in your hand back into your sack without having to open the inventory screen.
- Save your game at every location you reach. There's many things to do in this game, and it would be a shame for you to have to start over because you missed something somewhere. Many people only save before trying something that may be potentially dangerous, but that can still screw you up if you need to go back in time later.
Hint FAQ's
Have a question for me? Send it now!
- Q: How do I get the lantern fixed without Jack taking it from me?
- A: You can't. Give it to him. But don't worry, you'll get it back soon.
- Q: How do I get the lamp back?
- A: You need to get Jack to leave his cabin. Getting him arrested would probably work..why don't you try committing a small crime (arson, perhaps?)
- Q: How do I get the scroll out of the purple umbrella tree after I've made the umbrellas invisible?
- A: You'll need to use a second spell on the tree. When you get the right spell, you'll know. You don't have to worry about it until later in the game.
- Q: How do I win the scratch cardgame?
- A: The sequence (from the starting point) is: up, left,up, up, left, up, left, left, down, left, left, down, left, down, down,right, down,down, right, right, up, right, up, up, left, up.
- Q: How do I get past the stupid phone at the entrance to Hades?
- A: You can do it the hard way and write down the numbers you'll need to press, or you can cheat and use the 'simplify instructions' spell!
- Q: I got bothpieces of the SNAVIG spell but can't put themtogether. What's wrong?
- A: You can't put the two piecestogether if you've taken both pieces from INSIDE the house.You have to get one of the pieces from outside or it won'twork. If you've already gotten both pieces from INSIDE, putone of them back and go explore outside underneath the window.
- Q: What do I do with the snapdragon?
- A: You'll need to put him to sleep with the Prozork pill (found in a locker in the locker room at GUE Tech.) Once he's asleep, try laying him down on the mushroom under the window and smacking the mushroom with your hammer.
- Q: How do I get past the infinite corridor into the locker room?
- A: At the entrance to the corridor, look up. Notice that the sign that says 'infinite corridor' is partly purple?
- Q: OK, how do I get the lockersopen?
- A: You actually need to open TWO lockers. TheDungeon Master's locker, which contains the ID card, is the middle lockerin the second row. You'll need to slip the Zork Rocks bomb into the slotto blow it open. The second locker you need opened is # 11. Use the candymachine to open this one. A message on the bulletin board near theentrance to GUE tech will give you a clue.
- Q: How do I get out of Hades once I've entered the gate? Cheron says 'no one returns from Hades.'
- A: If you try giving him a second coin, he'll give you a clue. No one returns from Hades..except for temp employees! You'll need to convince him that you are one.
- Q: I put the 'GLORF' spell in the mailbox at the white house but when I went to hell it wasn't there. Why didn't it get mailed?
- A: Did you forget to put the flag up on the mailbox?
Port Foozle
Starting at the street sign, you can go in three directions;left, into Port Foozle, right, up the path to the well, or behindyou to the big brick building. Turn around to go up to thebuilding, the Frobozz Electric Company. Read the signs on thefence. Turn to the counter sign (isn't it cool?) and take therope hanging like a noose from the sign. Go back down to thestarting point.
Go left into Port Foozle. The first building on your left isthe Fish Shop. Turn the speaker volume way up so you hear thewoman say 'somebody turn that thing down!' While thespeaker is loud, you can steal the Mead Light can and the plasticrings from the box of ice. Go down the dock and you'll see amachine with a hook and a lever. Hang the plastic rings on thehook and pull the lever. The fish will throw up a box containinga lantern. The lantern does not currently work, so you'll need totake it across the street from the fish market, to Jack's lanternrepair shop. Use the lamp on the door and Jack will let you in.While he's away from the counter, take a cigar from his box. Jackwill keep the lamp, but you'll get it back soon.
Explore the town (none of the other buildings are necessary tothe game but it's a pretty fun trip, especially the secondbuilding on the left, which gives you a 'Sling Blade'imitation when you knock on the door…). At the end of townyou'll find a barrel and a table holding some Grand Inquisitordolls. Ignite the doll with the cigar and then jump into thebarrel to watch what takes place. Once Jack is taken in, go backto his shop and retrieve your magic lamp. You can then leave PortFoozle.
The well: Again facing the street sign, goright into the woods. At the well, tie the rope onto the well togo down. At the bottom, take the subway token. Cast the REZROVspell to open the door. (pretty cool ride, huh?)
Entering the crossroads, turn to the right. Open the glassdoor and take out the hammer, then smash the glass with thehammer to take the sword and the map. Don't worry about thepurple umbrellas yet, you'll need to come back to it later. Goingback to the right of the entrance, take the totem lying on theground. You can then follow the crossroads paths to one of threelocations; the GUE Tech University, the Underground Subway or theDungeon Master's Lair.
Dungeon Master’s Lair
Use your sword to cut the bushes blocking the entrance. Openthe wooden stall and take the shovel and the THROCK spell. Youcan't do much else here yet, so go back the way you came.
GUE Tech
Cast REZROV to open the door. To get into the Universityyou'll have to match up the three panels on each of the threepuzzles. Just turn each of the panels until you match the top,middle and bottom. When you do it right, the ditches will closeand allow you to pass through. After solving the third puzzle, awindow will appear. Click on the window to enter GUE Tech. Youcan look around here if you like but you'll need to get morestuff before you can do anything.
Exit GUE Tech through the door(instead of using the window). Use the shovel on the pile of dirtand you'll find the KENDALL spell. Go back out to the Crossroads,then over the bridge to the entrance to the subway.
The Subway
Put the token into the slot and you can enter the subway. Usethe KENDALL spell on the directions on the wall. You can thenpick your destination. Press the button for Hades, then walk ontothe platform to await the subway. You'll get picked up and aftera crazy ride, you'll get dumped into the Hades terminal. Take thecard from the skeleton's hand. In order to win the game, you'llneed to click on the squares to plot a route to the centerwithout making two mistakes. When you've done that, the $500 willbe yours. Go back to the subway map and select the Crossroads,then walk up the escalator to return to GUE Tech.
GUE Tech
On the left behind the fountain you'll find a change machine.Put your $500 Zorkmid note into the machine to get coins.Although it may be tempting to start spending that money on junkfood, you need to go to Flood Control Dam #3 first to take careof some business. So, back onto the subway!
Flood Control Dam #3
Put a zorkmid into the strange machine and it will give you aletter opener. Use the THROCK spell on the moss and then take themoss. Go into the dam control room. Look at the book on thepanel, and take the GOLGATEM spell. Your goal at the controlpanel is to close all four dam openings. Cast the REZROV spell on any closed door, and then you'll be able to shut all four with thebuttons. The dam will burst and flood the Empire (thisis a good thing!). Done here, now it's time to return to GUETech. Take the subway to the crossroads and walk up the escalatorto get back to the GUE entrance, then use the transporter.
GUE Tech.
Read all the postings on the bulletin board. Notice themessage about the vending machine's relationship to the lockers!Around the fountain to the left you'll find three food and drinkmachines. Take the vacuum thing from your inventory and plug itinto the bottom of the candy machine. Put a zorkmid into the slotand press #8 for a Zork Rock bar. When it gets stuck, turn on thevacuum and suck that baby out! Take your Zork Rock. Then, putanother coin in the slot and press # 11. You won't get any candybut this will open the corresponding locker in the locker room.Turn left to the ice cream machine. Put in a coin and open thedoor on the right to get the OBIDIL spell.
On to the middle machine: put the Zork Rock in the cup area,then buy a Classic Blam. Quickly, move toward the infinitehallway and look up. Cast the 'purple things' spell onthe word 'infinite' to change it to 'finite,'then quickly move down the hallway. At the end of the corridorare twelve lockers. Slip the Zork Rock bomb into the slot on thesecond locker in the middle row. KABLAAM! The locker will beblown open. Take the Dungeon Master’s ID Card. Locker #11should also be open, so take the pill and read the books. On thepage that explains how to make the BEBURTT spell, cast the'Kendall' spell to make the instructions clear. You'llneed to remember the order of the spell creation.Use the DungeonMaster's card to open the door near the lockers, to enter theSpell Lab.
The Spell Lab
On the bridge, you'll have to get past the invisible alarmguy. Don't bother fighting him, just cut the bridge ropes withyour sword and wave bye-bye! Use the GOLGATEM spell to buildanother bridge. (Now that's a much nicer bridge!) In the spelllab, you're surrounded by machines. Above each machine is thecommand it is used for. Go straight ahead to the machine in theback, the Spell-Checker. Insert the soggy OBIDIL scroll into thespell-checker to render it useful again. Now it's time to make aspell, just like the book from Locker #11 told us to. Take ablank spell parchment from the box. You'll need to insert thissheet into the machines in this order: OriginationModification Replication Interpretation Transmogrification andthen the Spell Checker. You will then be given the BEBURTTspell. Back to the Crossroads.
The Crossroads
Return to bottom of the stairs where you first came in. On theright you'll see the purple umbrella tree. Use the IGRAM spell onthe umbrellas to make them transparent, then use BEBURRT to getthe scroll. It's now time to explore the Dungeon Master's house.
Dungeon Master’s Lair
To the right of the house, near the sunflowers, you'll find ahungry snapdragon. Give him the Prozork pill to put him to sleep,then use the sword to cut him free. Up against the side of thehouse under the window, you'll find a mushroom. Use the THROCKspell on the mushroom and it becomes kind of springy. Put thesnapdragon on the mushroom, then pound it with the hammer to sendthe snapdragon up into the window. The snapdragon will return toyou with part of a ripped spell scroll.
All music credit goes towards JJD and TheFatRat. The song is called Prelude. All time frames down here. Kingdom Rush Discord: 0:00. Kingdom Rush: Vengeance Edit FEELS GOOD TO BE BACK (30 gems) Win the first stage with 3 stars. FAR OVER THE MISTY MOUNTAINS (30 gems) Help Baldo sneak into the mountain. Kingdom rush frontiers achievement. 859 Achievements Earned; 29 Players Tracked; 68 Total Achievements; 1,128 Obtainable EXP; 34,000 Points (XP) 2 100% Club. Kingdom Rush Vengeance Achievements Guide. Kingdom Rush Vengeance was released on November 21, 2018. The game follows the wizard Vez’nan as he embarks on a journey to get revenge on the King of Linrea, King Denas. Version 1 of the game includes over 50 achievements for players to complete.
Around to the front of the house, it's time to take on thesecurity plant. Put the cigar into the ashtray and watch theplant: he is unable to resist a good stogie. Pour the Mead Lightinto the bowl on the right. Use the spell to increase the amountof beer in the bowl and send the plant into happy-land.
Inside the house, you'll need to listen to the DungeonMaster's voice mail to get the recipe for his hot cocoa. Take thefudge, the jar of insects, and the lard from the shelves. Go intothe DM's bedroom and take the second part of the ripped scroll.By going into the mirror you can put the two parts together toget the SNAVIG spell. Back in the living room, look through theshades to see the walking castle. Use the OBIDIL spell to makethe castle like you. Once inside the castle, take the NARWILEspell.
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Use the bar of lard to plug the hole in the beehive. Cut thehive with the sword and take the honey. Back to the mixer insidethe house…put the moss, the lard, the fudge, the honey, thecup, and the jar on the tree to get the cocoa and the WASTARDspell. Back into the bedroom. In the closet is a timetunnel. UseNARWILE to activate the tunnel, then throw the Griff totem intothe tunnel by clicking on the WASTARD spell then clicking onGriff.
The White House
You need to get the spell that is on the ground on the side ofthe house. Since 'you can't take it with you,' you'llhave to find another way to send it through time. Inside themailbox is a letter. Put the spell inside the envelope and returnit to the mailbox. Don’t forget to put the flag up on themailbox! Now, go to hell!
Argh, this phone thing sucks, doesn't it? If you want to do it the easyway (which I didn't realize was possible at first), just cast Kendall onthe phone. If you're a real adventurer, try to figure it out first. Youhave to listen to every single part of the wholemessage to know what buttons to push, since each number is represented bya different number! I found the easiest way to complete it was to writedown which numbers I need, then write down which numbers stand for thosenumbers. For the last question, the correct answer is to press #5. (I'mstill not sure why, but that's the number that works.) When Cheronappears, give him what he asks for and you'll be driven to hell. Go towardthe gate. Although it's kind of fun to aggravate the two-headed monster,you don't need to enter the gate just yet. Just walk up to the mailbox andtake the GLORF spell out. Then go back to the Spell Lab.
Spell Lab
All you have to do here is put the SNAVIG scroll into thespell checker to finish your spellbook.
Go back to the Crossroads, then back up thestairs to the bottom of the well where you came in. Use the GLORFspell on the rope you tied to the well, and take the rope back.Now that you have the rope, you can get into the Monastery. Goback onto the Subway and choose the Monastery.
The Monastery
Tie the rope to the sword, then throw the sword up to the holein the ceiling. Now you can climb up. Inside the monastery you'llfind the infamous totemizer. Be careful here…one wrong moveand you're history, so save your game! On the destination thing,choose 'Inquisition'. Around the machine you'll see awheel with a green light. Turn the wheel to turn the light tored. You can now safely pull the lever and be'totemized.'
Inside the museum, take the Lucy totem out of the box. Playaround with all of the exhibits to see what they do. Go out theback door, you'll see a strange machine with a panel that opens.The solution is to take the middle hammer out so that the guardsare all instructed to take the night off. Go back inside to theexhibit where the little man is boarding up the time tunnel. Pullthe lever all the way and watch the man destroy his hammer. Putthe hammer from the security panel in the man's hands and pullthe lever again. The new hammer will destroy the planks and openup the time tunnel. Cast the NARWILE spell to activate it, thensend the Lucy totem through the tunnel by clicking the WASTARDspell on her totem.
Old Port Foozle
After exploring the bar ('Want some rye? 'Course youdo!') a bit, you should discover a table with a card game inprogress. Take the cards, then walk around the bar some moreuntil you see a fly buzzing around. Swat the fly with the 4 cardto make it 5. Now you can easily complete the card game byputting 5 in the first slot, 1 in the second, 3 in the third and2 in the last. You will then be brought to play a game of stripwith Jack. Since Lucy is after all a telepathic, clicking on Jackwill tell you what card he plans to play, so winning the game isa piece of cake. When you win, Jack will give you the second ofyour missing treasures, the Cube Of Foundation. Put it inside thecastle on the pillow, then Lucy can return into the time tunnel.Your next stop is Hades. You can either go back down from themonastery to the subway, or use the totemizer again.
Once again, pay Cheron to get across the water. To get pastthe two-headed monster you'll need to use the SNAVIG on Cheron soyou turn into his clone. The two-headed guy will then think youare Cheron. Use Cheron's punch card to open the gate. Once you'reinside, pick up the Brog totem. Activate the third time tunnelwith NARWILE, and use WASTARD to send the Griff through it.
The Water & the Dragon
The first thing you have to do is pull on the claw that isstanding up in the water. The dragon will rise slightly out ofthe water and you can now access several of the'islands' (which are really parts of the dragon.) Onthe large middle island you'll find a rubber man and a rubberboat. Take them, then turn to the left. The next island over hasa air pump which you also need. Go on to the next island and turnaround to look back. You'll see that the island behind you isactually the head of the dragon with two huge nostrils! Put therubber man in one nostril and the boat in the other, then pumpthem up with the air pump. The dragon will open his mouth and youcan enter in. Once in, look up and you'll find the Coconut OfQuendor free for the taking. The sailor living in the dragon willsend up a rope for you. Tie the rope to the dragon's tooth. Turnaround and look up and you'll see the ends of the two rubberthings blocking the dragon's nose holes. Put the coconut insidethe rubber boat. Take the rope back (looks like the sailor didn'treally need it!) and go back outside the dragon. From the outsideof the nostrils, tie the rope to the boat. (The boat and the manwill be tied together.) Go back inside the dragon and pull outthe golden tooth. Use the golden tooth to pop the rubber man. Theman will fly away, taking the boat and the coconut, too. Get outof the dragon fast. You can now find the rubber boat floating inthe water and retrieve your coconut. This will put you back inthe castle to place the coconut onto it's pillow.
Once you're back in Hades, you'll need to goback through the gate out to the two-headed monster. Cheron hasbeen instructed not to let anyone return from Hell, so you'llhave to convince him you're somebody else. Use the SNAVIG spellon the two-headed monster, then quickly go to Cheron and embarkon your return trip. After crossing the water, it's time to goback to the Dungeon Master's house.
Dungeon Master’s Lair
Go into the bedroom and send the Brog through the time tunnel.
The White House
Turn around and head toward the torches burning behind you.The torch on the left has a bad attitude, doesn't he? You'll needto use the torch on the left (the 'flickering' torch)to finish up here, although it's kind of fun to take them bothwith you and listen to them bicker.
Luckily, the Brog is strong enough to break down the woodblocking the house entrance. Once you're in, you'll need to usethe flickering torch to see, because the other torch is a cowardwhen it comes right down to it. Go downstairs and take the grueeggs. Bring them back upstairs and light the little pot on thefloor with the torch, then cook each of the grue eggs in theflames until they turn golden. Go back downstairs and fling theeggs at the opening. You will enter a chess game that guards theskull of Yorrick. Attempting to play chess is beyond the Brog'scapabilities, so just use the wooden stick and bash the cagesurrounding the skull. Place the skull on its pillow inside thecastle, and it's time to face the Inquisitor.
Prison Cell
Talk to Jack through the air vent. He'll take pity on you andgive you a scroll. Open the screws on the vent with your letteropener and take the scroll. Take the poster off the wall andslide it under the door. Use the scroll spell on the door tocreate a lock and key. Use the letter opener to push the keythrough the keyhole, then pull the poster (and the key) out fromunder the door. Voila…the key opens the cell door.
Left of the cell you find a control panel and a map of all ofthe cells. Your goal is to open Jack's cell. Watching the monitorwill reveal Jack's location (he's in room 31-AB). Change thenumbers on the panel to 31-AB and the door to Jack’s roomwill open, allowing him to retrieve your stuff and meet up withyou.
Top of Port Foozle
Take the three treasures from the castle. Use the spell theEnchantress gave you on your spell book to turn all your spellsinto their reverse form. You're almost done! Use the VORZER spellon the tent to seal off the door, locking the guards inside. Infront of the tower the MARGI spell reveals a purple electrifiedfence. You'll need to unplug the electricity before touching thefence (just pull the plug). Use your sword to cut the fence open.
Put the skull in the box at the bottom of the tower. Climbingup, you'll find a hole just right for the cube. At the top, putthe coconut on the scale, then use the lantern on the other sideto balance the coconut. All the way up, you need to cut the powerline for the Inquisitor's speaker so that your final spell can beheard. After cutting the line, cast the final spell.Congratulations…. you've saved the Empire!
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