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Supported on Windows 10

I am using the retail CD version of Diablo, with the latest update v1.09.

Patch updated: October 1st, 2019


The first problem I had with Diablo was that the colors looked messed up on Windows 10.


There are other patches for Diablo like this one here. However I found out that Diablo also worked fine with the DdrawCompat libraries.

No-CD Patch

I still had one issue. Diablo required the CD in order to run. Many modern computers (like my laptop) no longer have a CD drive. The game will work if you create an ISO and mount the ISO but that requires extra space (to store the ISO) and it is a hassle to ensure that the ISO is mounted (even though DxWrapper can do this for you). So I opened the game in OllyDbg and IDA Pro to debug it.

After some debugging I found out that if you change the code from a PUSH 1 to a PUSH 0 at address 0041ACF0 and you change the code from a PUSH 0048E7B4 to a PUSH 0048E740 at address 0041ACF7 you could tell Diablo to look for the DIABDAT.MPQ file locally rather than off the CD. All I needed to do was to copy the DIABDAT.MPQ file from the CD to the Diablo folder. This would allow the game to run without the CD.

However after testing Diablo I quickly discovered that this patch prevented me from joining a multi-player game on Battle.net. After some additional troubleshooting I found out that if I undid the hot patch after the CD check but before I joined the multi-player game it would allow me to play the game without the CD and still join a multi-player game on Battle.net.

Note: please only use this no-CD patch if you own the Diablo game legally. I am against piracy of any form!


In order to install the Windows 10 patch for Diablo you can follow these steps:

  1. Download the fix below.
  2. Unzip the files to your Diablo installation folder (where the Diablo.exe file exists).
  3. Copy DIABDAT.MPQ from the CD to Diablo installation folder.
  4. Start the game and enjoy!

If you run into issues check the compatibility settings. I am running with the following compatibility settings:


Here is the Download for the patch to fix Diablo on Windows 10. This also includes a hot fix to remove the CD check.

This download contains 3 files:

  • ddraw.dll
  • dxwrapper.dll
  • dxwrapper.ini

Other Links

Also check out the Diablo DirectDraw Patch.

Everyone knows the name of fear and it is, Lord and Aspect of Terror.Diablo, like his brothers and, was born from one of the seven heads of the great dragon at the beginning of time. He is the youngest of the three Prime Evils that rule over the Burning Hells but he is also the most cunning and farsighted of the Primes. Diablo relishes in the terror he inflicts upon his victims and knows that the key to victory is preying upon the fears of those who stand in his way.

Unlike his kin, however, Diablo doesn't conquest for the sake of power; he draws his satisfaction from the terror that runs rampant before the onslaught. Even his own realm within the Burning Hells is a testament to horror, as few would dare go into the Realm of Terror, where even demons are afraid to venture.The story we know of Diablo starts a few hundred years ago when he was banished to the Mortal Realm of Sanctuary during the coup d'etat in Hell that would later be known as the. Diablo and his brothers immediately set about spreading terror, hatred and destruction across the lands of men until a group of mages known as the managed to defeat them and lock their souls within sacred relics known as the Soulstones.Diablo's Soulstone was locked away and forgotten for almost three hundred years under the town of, but during this time he sought ways to free himself from his prison.

Eventually a new ruler named would make Tristram his capital and put his throne over the very ground where Diablo was buried. Lrt map kl. Leoric's advisor, was actually an emissary sent by Diablo's brother Mephisto who had escaped his own Soulstone some time before.

Lazarus freed Diablo and helped him try to possess King Leoric, but Diablo was too weak from his imprisonment to fully possess Leoric and instead drove the poor king insane. Lazarus' next victim was Leoric's youngest son, who proved to be the perfect vessel for the return of the Lord of Terror.Leoric's last remaining son, Aidan, would soon hear of his father's madness and his brother's disappearance and set off to defeat the evil growing in Tristram. Aidan was eventually able to defeat Diablo, but his victory would be short lived as he was tricked into jamming Diablo's Soulstone into his forehead and allowing the demon lord to possess him. Aidan was able to contain Diablo's essence at first, but was slowly losing a battle he could never win.A witch and servant of Diablo named Adria was residing in Tristram during these dark times and sensed her master within the body of Aidan as he returned from defeating the demon lord. At Diablo’s behest, she seduced Aidan so that she may bear a child that contained the essence of her master.Aidan soon faltered against Diablo's influence and would head east so that he may unite with his brothers in an attempt to conquer the Mortal Realm with the power of the Soulstones now under their control. Diablo's plans would soon be foiled by a band of heroes from all across. Or so it would seem.Twenty years after his defeat by the mortal heroes, Adria would return and use her child, Leah, to revive Diablo yet again, and he would now be infused with the power of all of the seven great demon lords of the Burning Hells.

Diablo, now reborn as the Prime Evil, almost succeeded in his goal of conquering all of if not for the intervention of another mortal hero, the Nephalem.But is Diablo truly dead? Soul seeker six knights. How does one kill Terror when all living things keep Fear within their hearts?Abilities See for a table of scaled values at key levels. Unleashes fire waves toward the targeted area that deal 12 damage each.

Once they reach maximum range, they return dealing an additional 36 damage. Diablo heals for 130% of the damage dealt to Heroes.Type: Damage / HealingScaling: 4.00%Affects: Enemies / SelfTargeting: Point targetProperties:,Cast time: 0.2+0 secondsReturn delay: 0.5 secondsRange: 10.5Projectile radius: 0.66Wave spacing: 20 degrees. Healing is calculated after damage modifiers, like Armor reductions. Fire Stomp waves return towards Diablo's current location.

After 0.5 seconds, become Unstoppable and Channel for up to 4 seconds, dealing 40 damage every 0.25 seconds to enemies in front of Diablo.