Super Smash Bros Melee Characters Rating: 4,6/5 29 votes

For an image list and description guide on Super Smash Bros. Melee trophies see here NOTE.

Main article:Undeniably the most famous video game character, Mario is usually the first character that newcomers choose when playing the Super Smash Bros. He's an all around character with a good variety of special attacks. He was announced to be a playable character at E3 2001.

Super Smash Bros Melee Characters

Compared to others, Mario has a terrible recovery, though this is one of the only cons. Mario has one of the most impressive wave dashes, can easily rack up the enemies' damage, can wall jump, and has a cape that reflects objects and turns players around. Mario is involved in six missions, and five different color variations. His special moves consist of:. B: - Mario will shoot a single fireball from his hand.

Side B: - Mario will use his cape to reflect objects or turn characters around. If it connects with a character it will deliver a small amount of damage. Up B: - Mario's recovery move. Down B: - Mario will spin around and attack players from both sides.Donkey Kong. Main article:Ness makes a return as a playable fighter in Melee.

This time, he is a starter character. Bioshock 1 remastered console commands. He was planned to be replaced by Lucas, but due to Mother 3 being cancelled, Ness stayed. Pony minesweeper full.

B: PK Flash - A green light. Can be charged to do more damage. Side B: PK Fire - A lightning-shaped projectile that sets an opponent ablaze. Up B: PK Thunder - A projectile-based recovery that can be used to damage opponents and send Ness flying towards them, strong enough for a KO. Down B: PSI Magnet - A field that heals Ness when in contact with energy-based brojectiles.Captain Falcon.