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EfT Ammo Chart. This is a complete list of ammunition available in the Escape from Tarkov. Cartridges of the same caliber are marked with the same color, and all compatible weapons are listed below each section. Let's get down to it, and present charts for all the EfT ammunition available on the market. Escape from tarkov ammo chart Escape from Tarkov official and actual ammo table. 0.12 Patch; 0.11 Patch; 14 August changes; 0.9 patch.

Follow the quest marker to reach the crypt. You may have to fight some spiders along the way, but otherwise your journey is uninterrupted. When you arrive, you can meet with Maximilien at the entrance. Talk to him, then agree to let him enter with you. Now investigate the base of the two statues on either side of the crypt's doors. Use the Gunderic signet ring on the right statue and the Montbarron ring on the left statue.

You have both in your possession if you completed the side quest. When you use the two rings, the door will open and Maximilien will decide that he doesn't actually want to enter. Agree to search for items on his behalf to activate the side quest. Then enter the crypt.Start forward and you will have easy going for a moment. Then a mocking voice says menacing things from somewhere deep in the crypt. Continue forward down some stairs and you'll be rushed by skeletons and also a Skeletal Champion.

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This new type of foe is much more powerful than his weaker brethren. Eliminate any of the weaker skeletons and make sure that you steer clear of the spread shots that their leader fires. You may have to battle several of the enemy at once, so it helps if you're good at rolling out of the way of attacks. Make sure to use healing skills the minute you start to take any real damage, since often you can find yourself sustaining several blows without the chance to recover.Continue into the crypt, making sure that you move carefully to avoid advancing too quickly and alerting too many enemies to your presence. You can grab treasure along the way, but there's nothing of real note. Then you'll come to a wide, square chamber with rails around a hole in its center area. Here, there are doors on the left and right.

There also are numerous skeletons and their champions, so proceed cautiously. (LEFT) Find a key in one of the side rooms, then open another side room to obtain the Skull of Norick and make use of a welcome save beacon. (RIGHT) Grab some lore from the desk as you work toward the next save beacon.When you have cleared the area of those hazards, explore the rooms on the left side.

There, you can find the lore known as The Heroes' Crypt: Part II (a book on a table in an otherwise empty side room) and the Groundskeeper's Journal lore and the Crypt Keeper's Key in a larger side room that also contains a few treasure chests. Take the key with you to the rooms on the right side. Open the locked door to find the Skull of Norick and a save beacon, which you should use. Then return to the room with the railing and advance to its back side.Proceed along the left hallway that you find there and continue forward, then to the right to reach stairs that allow you to descend into a more open area. As you explore that area, you'll be attacked by a larger group of the enemies you've been fighting up to that point. Defeat any spellcasters first, but don't let yourself get so distracted with that task that you allow the skeletons to swarm you. When the spellcasters are down, finish up with the skeletons.

If the enemies are giving you too much trouble, you can retreat up the stairs that you used to descend into the area a moment before, then pick off your foes as they come to you.Continue onward by climbing some stairs and continuing along another lengthy hallway. Make sure on the way that you find the Old and Faded Parchment lore resting on a desk. If you reach a circular room with save beacon and you haven't found it, you've gone too far and should backtrack two rooms. (LEFT) You'll find the Staff of Merik in a sarcophagus just ahead of the chamber where you battle Drakomir. (RIGHT) When you fight Drakomir, make sure that you roll out of the way if he is preparing to charge.Near the save beacon, you'll find the top of a spiral staircase that descends to the lower floor. Follow those stairs to that level, then start forward.

Along the way, make sure that you loot every undisturbed sarcophagus you find on either side of the wide chamber. You can approach each sarcophagus from its longest side to produce the treasure chest icon and plunder its contents. One of the stone tombs, on the left side of the chamber, contains the Staff of Merik that you need for the side quest. Once you grab that item, you might want to backtrack to the save point upstairs and save your progress before you proceed.When you're ready, proceed past the sarcophagus where you found the staff and head down some stairs to reach a large chamber. There, you'll face a boss battle.

Boss Battle: Drakomir For much of the fight, you'll face off against Drakomir alone. You can keep at a distance and hit him with your strongest projectile attacks, or run around and hit him from the sides and behind with melee attacks. Watch his body language.

Drakomir will sometimes shake and then charge, so you need to be ready to roll out of the way and avoid such things. Keep your health up as you fight. When you damage him enough, Drakomir will flicker out of sight and summon a bunch of skeletons. Take as many of those out as quickly as you can and collect the magic and health refills they drop, but be ready for Drakomir's return.

He may destroy several of his own troops when he returns to the fray. Resume your onslaught, still looking for chances to attack at an advantage. You can also circle around in wide circles and let your buddy inflict damage when you need to recover some health. Repeat the process as necessary and soon Drakomir will be toast.After you defeat Drakomir, grab any loot he leaves behind. Then head up the stairs behind him and open the large sarcophagus from the side for powerful gear. Pass through a doorway to the right. In the next area, you'll find a save beacon and you can also search the table with the two burning torches to find the Sword of Bolingar, the last item that you need for the side quest.Continue along the corridor from there, and soon you'll arrive back near the entrance of the area.

Just head left to the exit after you pass through the locked door (you'll have to pull a lever to open the door, but that's easy enough). Outside, you'll be greeted by Lazar and awarded with some expensive gear and lots of experience points as the quest concludes. Behind him, you'll also note Maximilien. You can talk to him to conclude the side quest, as well. Then it's time to head for the (by way of the ) if you're ready to resume the main adventure.

Dungeon Siege III is a very interesting hybrid of cRPG and a hack'n'slash - highly acclaimed by both gamers. Variation of interesting elements, common plot choices and a large amount of side missions - these factors will delight many gamers.

Welcome to the Wild West as you've never seen before. Follow Warren on his descent into the darkest recesses of the human soul, and try to survive in a world full of hard choices and even harder. Nintendo Switch is enjoying a growing number of turn-based tactical games, and Hard West is another welcome addition to that strategic throng. Hard West for Switch game reviews & Metacritic score: When a tragic turn of events sets one man down a path of supernatural chaos and revenge, he must brutally hunt down all those who wronged him. Fight and surviv. CreativeForge Games’ Western tactical RPG Hard West is now available on Nintendo Switch. The Switch version, which is published by Forever Entertainment, is available digitally for $17.99/£17.99/€19.99, with a 10% launch discount available until March 14, 2019. Hard west walkthrough.

Those are also the reasons behind this guide - using it you will be able to easily finish all the missions, draw pleasure from maximally developed characters and collect all the precious items. What can be found in the guide?- a thorough description of all main and side quests ( 47 missions in total);- more than thirty maps with most important places and characters marked on them, including all treasures and secret passages;- tables with plot choices together with their short and long-term consequences;- a series of useful hints on ways of completing missions and carrying out dialogues;- a description of the various plot paths and the influence that the players have on the ending.

General notesMAPSMap references have been marked in the following way: ( Mx, y) where x marks the number of the map and y the position of that given map. For example ( M3, 2) indicates that you should head to point 2 on map number 3.All treasure chests have been marked on the maps using gold squares - remember that some appear only after certain moments in the game.COLOURSSpecial colour markings have been used in the test and on the maps to make navigating through the guide easier.

Red is for NPCs and enemies, green for all sorts of items and levers, blue for quests and orange marks secret passages and locations.GUIDE LAYOUTEven though the game itself isn't split into acts, such division has been used in the guide to make it more legible. Critical plot moments serve as borders between the given parts. Thanks to it, navigation should be much easier.Maciej 'Czarny' KozlowskiTranslated to English by Jakub 'cilgan' Lasota. Dungeon Siege III Video Game. genre: RPG. developer: Obsidian Entertainment. publisher: Square-Enix / Eidos.

platform: PC, XBOX360, PS3. rated: PEGI: Age 16+ / ESRB: TeenCenturies ago, when the Empire of Stars collapsed, the land of Ehb became a refuge for the 10th Legion.

They were the finest and best-trained of the Imperial armies.The noble legionnaires protected Ehb during the War of Legions, when the old Empire tore itself apart. At the War's end, the commanders of the 10th Legion established a new and independent kingdom of Ehb. Throughout Ehb's history, the Legion provided stability and protection, but they left rulership of the kingdom to an independent monarchy.As years passed, the Legion became increasingly powerful. Its influence grew to rival the monarchy.Then, thirty years ago, Ehb's king was murdered, and blame was cast upon the Legion. Led by the young and charismatic Jeyne Kassynder, the people rose up and slaughtered the 10th Legion, tearing down their proud chapterhouses and estates.With the fall of the Legion, the kingdom has fractured into petty states and free towns.

Most of the country has fallen under the sway of Jeyne Kassynder, who controls the Church and eastern Ehb. Her power is steadily growing. The royal court has retreated to the mountain fastness of Glitterdelve, in the west, and the bustling city of Stonebridge has declared itself a free and independent republic.Only a scattering of Legion descendants survive. Many were hunted down and slain by Jeyne Kassynder, while others fell victim to the mobs of common folk, who rose up to sack their estates.

But a network of descendants endures, organized by an elusive old man - the Venerable Odo - believed to be the last surviving legionnaire. He has protected the children of Legion blood and kept them safe from Jeyne Kassynder.Now a gathering has been called in the remote Rukkenvahl, in the north.

Dungeon Siege 3 Wiki

Odo has asked all the Legion descendants to assemble, in an attempt to rebuild the Legion and take back their kingdom from Jeyne Kassynder, before it is too late.Features:Use a large variety of weapons, special moves & magicLots of LOOTMultiplayer: Up to 4 players onlineCo-op play (one in each class)Split screen offlineJump in/Jump out MultiplayerPlayer's actions impact the story and environmentCharacter's stories are different, but the ending is the same. Developer Website. Publisher Website. Official Website.