The Game Of Life Game Rating: 4,0/5 8412 votes

All players spin the spinner. The player with the highest spin takes the first turn. Play then continues clockwise.On your turn, spin the spinner. (If the spinner arm stops between numbers, spin again). Then move your car the number of spaces spun.Always move your car forward, in the direction of the arrows.

The Game of Life is a classic family board game that takes players through common life events such as going to school, starting a career, getting married, having children or pets, buying a house, bank loans etc. In order to reach retirement and best other players by having the most successful (financially) 'life'. In this game, players can make their own exciting choices as they move through the twists and turns of life. Move the car token around the gameboard from Start to Retirement, and experience unexpected surprises related to family, career, and other milestones of life.

(Just like in real life, you can't go back in time!) If you land on an occupied space, move ahead to the next open space. Now, follow the space directions. This ends your turn. Your first turn is an exception.On your first turn, decide to either Start a Career or to Start College. College offers more career and salary options, but it takes time - and it puts you in debt!Start a CareerIf you decide to start a career, place your car on the START CAREER space, then do the folIowing:Draw a Career Card: Have another player fan out the Career card deck facedown, while you randomly draw one card.

The card will list your career, salary, salary maximum and taxes due. Note: You may not choose a College Career card. These are reserved for college graduates only.Place your Career card faceup in front of you. Now spin the spinner and move as you would on a regular turn.Start CollegeIf you decide to go to college, place your car on the START COLLEGE space. Borrow $100,000 from the bank for tuition (see BANK LOANS).Now spin and move as you would on a regular turn.Job SearchWhen you reach the JOB SEARCH space, stop - even if you have moves left.

Then do the following:Choose Your Career Card: Have another player fan out the Career Card deck facedown, while you draw 3 cards at random. Look at the cards, choose any 1 card, then return the other 2 cards to the deck. See the Career Guidance section, below.Choose Your salary Card: Now choose your Salary Card the same way (pick 1 card from the 3 cards you draw).Place your Career Card and your Salary Card faceup in front of you.

Now spin and move again.The SpacesSpace ColorsAs you move your car, notice the space colors - they're important!Gold Spaces. Most spaces are gold. Whenever you land on a gold space, you must follow the directions. Collect/pay SpacesCollect from or pay to the bank the amount of money indicated on the space.Life SpacesThese spaces show pictures of LIFE tiles, and are all about family activities, community service and good deeds! Whenever you land on a LIFE space, take one LIFE tile from the draw pile.If the draw pile runs out, take one LIFE tile from any opponent.

Do not look at the value side of the LIFE tile, just place it LIFE-side-up in front of you.Taxes DuePay the bank the amount of taxes shown on your Career/College Career card.Tax RefundCollect from the bank the amount of taxes shown on your Career/College Career card.Lose your JobLand here and you MUST trade in your Career/College Career card for a new one. Have another player fan out the Career card deck facedown.Randomly draw one card. Whenever you reach an orange space, STOP! - even if you have moves left. Follow the directions, then, spin and move again. Most orange spaces represent important LIFE choices that you will have to make.College Career ChoiceChoose your College Career card: Have another player fan out the College Career cards facedown, then randomly draw two cards.

Look at the cards and choose one.The card will list your career, salary, salary maximum and taxes due. Place the card you chose faceup in front of you and return the other card to the deck.Buy a Starter HomeTake a look at all the available Starter Home cards. Decide which one you want to buy and pay the bank the price on the card. If you're short on cash, you MUST borrow from the bank.Return to SchoolBefore you spin, choose to return to school or continue on the path of life.

If you choose to return to school, pay $50,000 to the bank.Change CareerYou may choose to change your Career card for a College Career card or you may take a $20,000 salary increase.If you choose to take a new College Career card, have another player fan out the College Career cards facedown and randomly draw two cards. Choose either card for your new career; or choose neither and keep your current Career card. Return the cards you didn't choose to the deck.If you choose the salary increase, take two Pay Raises from the bank and place them near your Career card.Family PathBefore you spin, choose either to take the family path and increase your chances of having children, or to continue on the path of life.Buy a 'better' HouseDecide if you want to sell your Starter House and buy a better one.

If so, look at the House cards and choose the house you want to buy.If you decide to buy a better one, sell your Starter House back to the bank for the selling price listed on its card, then pay the bank the price on the new card. If you're short on cash, borrow from the bank. Note: You can never own two houses at the same time. If you already own a house, you must sell it before you can buy a new one.Risky PathBefore you spin, decide if you want to take the Risky path, which contains many Spin to Win opportunities, or the Safe path, and spend time with your family.Get MarriedAdd one 'people' peg to your car and take a LIFE tile. Then spin for your wedding gifts.If you spin a 10, 9 or 8, the other players must each give you $10,000.

If you spin a 7, 6 or 5, the other players must each give you $5,000. If you spin a 4, 3, 2 or 1, you receive nothing. Whenever you land on a blue Lawsuit space, collect $100,000 from the player of your choice.Bank LoansYou may borrow money from the bank during any of your turns.

Take one or more bank loans (each loan is worth $20,000). The banker gives you the matching amount from the bank.Repay all loans to the bank with $5,000 interest (that means you must repay $25,000 for each bank loan). You may pay these off at any time during the game or wait until you retire at the end of the game.Share the Wealth CardsThere are five kinds of Share the Wealth cards. If you have any, keep them facedown so only you will know what they are.

Use these cards when you choose, but use them wisely. Here's what they can do.Highway PatrolAny opponent caught speeding (spinning'10') must pay the Police Officer $5,000! It's up to the Police Officer to notice when a player spins a '10'. If you don't notice, the 'speeder' gets away and pays no fine.

Note: If there's no Police Officer in the game, there's no fine for spinning '10'.Collect Card: Give these cards to your opponents when they land on gold COLLECT spaces. Now they have to give YOU half of the money they collected. After you play the card, discard it to the bottom of the deck.Pay Card: Give these cards to your opponents when YOU land on a gold PAY space. Your opponent must now pay the bank half of what you owe for the space.

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After you play the card, discard it to the bottom of the deck. I expect you to die sheet music. Note: Only one card may be given to an opponent in a turn. If two or more players wish to give an opponent a card, each of you must spin the spinner.If you spin the highest number, only you give your opponent a card.Spin To Win (2): These cards allow you to use two Spin to Win tokens instead of one when someone lands on a Spin to Win space. Take two tokens (matching the color of your car) from the draw pile and place them on any two numbers on the Spin to Win strip. Give your investment to the bank.Now, spin the spinner.

If the number spun matches one of your numbers, the bank pays you 10 times the amount you invested. If the number does not match, you lose your investment. Return the two tokens to the pile and discard the card to the bottom of the deck.Spin To Win (4): These cards allow you to use four Spin to Win tokens instead of one when someone lands on a Spin to Win space. Take four tokens (matching the color of your car) from the draw pile and place them on any four numbers on the Spin to Win strip. Give your investment to the bank.Now, spin the spinner.

If the number spun matches one of your numbers, the bank pays you 10 times the amount of money you invested.If the number does not match, you lose your investment. Return the four tokens to the pile and discard the card to the bottom of the deck.RetirementWhen you reach the end of the path of life, STOP!

- even if you have moved left. Then do the following.

Play life board game online

Repay to the bank any, and all, outstanding loans with interest. Sell your house back to the bank for the amount listed on the card.

Place your Career card and Pay Raise(s) out of play. Keep your Long-Term Investment card - you will still spin on your turn and can still collect whenever your number is spun!. Keep your Share the Wealth cards.

These can still be played. Collect a $10,000 retirement gift from each of your children by collecting the amount from the bank. Choose to retire at Millionaire Estates or Countryside Acres (wherever you decide to retire, wait there until all other players have retired).Retiring at Millionaire Estates.If you are the first player to retire at Millionaire Estates, take a look at the three LIFE tiles there, choose one and return the other two to the space.The second player to retire may choose from the remaining two LIFE tiles and the third player to retire will take the last LIFE tile. Any players arriving after that get no tiles for retiring at Millionaire Estates.If you retire at Millionaire Estates, your LIFE tiles are NOT safe! If the draw pile runs out, players may take tiles from you when they land on LIFE spaces.Retiring at Countryside Acres.

The Game of Life, also known simply as LIFE, is a originally created in 1860 by, as The Checkered Game of Life. The game simulates a person's travels through his or her life, from high school graduation to retirement, with jobs, marriages and children (or not) along the way. Two to six players can participate in one game; however, variations of the game have been made to accommodate a maximum of eight or ten players. The modern version was originally published one hundred years later, in 1960 (then 'endorsed' by, with a circular picture of him on the box) by the (now a subsidiary of ). Contents HistoryThe game was originally created in 1862 by as The Checkered Game of Life. This was the first game created by Bradley, a successful, whose major product until that time was a portrait of with a clean shaven face, which did not do very well once the subject grew his now-famous beard.

The game sold 45,000 copies by the end of its first year. Like many games from the 19th century, such as the by in 1843, it had a strong message.Bradley's game did not include, but instead used a, a six sided (dice were considered too similar to ).The game board was essentially a modified. The object was to land on the 'good' spaces and collect 100 points.

A player could gain fifty points toward this goal by reaching 'Happy Old Age' in the far corner, opposite 'Infancy' where one began.In 1960, the one hundredth anniversary of the game, the form of the game now known as The Game of Life, was introduced, designed. There were many re-publishings over the years, including 1959, 1961, 1966, 1978, 1985, 1992, 2000, and 2005.SetupThe game consists of a track, on which players travel by spinning a small wheel with spaces numbered 1 through 10, located in the middle of the board. The board also contains small, buildings, and other similar pieces, making the playing area. Playing pieces (pawns) are small, colored plastic which come in six different colors (red, blue, white, yellow, orange, and green), and each pawn has six holes in the top in which the blue and pink 'people pegs' are placed throughout the game as the player 'gets married' and has or adopts 'children'. (Some 'early modern' editions have eight automobiles.)Each game also includes a setup for a, which includes play money (in denominations of $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $20,000, $50,000, and $100,000), policies (automobile, life, fire, and/or homeowners' insurance depending on the version), $20,000, and certificates. Other tangibles vary with the game version.1960s versionThe Game of Life copyrighted by the Milton Bradley company in 1963 had some differences from later versions.

For one, once a player reached the Day of Reckoning, he could end up at the 'Poor Farm', or he could become a Millionaire Tycoon and move on to Millionaire Acres.This version had as the spokesman, included his picture on the $100,000 bills, and a rousing endorsement from Linkletter on the cover of the box. It was advertised as a 'Milton Bradley 100th Anniversary Game' and as 'A Full 3-D Action Game!' SalariesknnlTo determine one's salary, a player could travel one of two routes at the beginning of the game. The shorter route was entitled Business and resulted in the player receiving a set salary of $5,000 per Pay Day. The longer route was entitled College and could earn the player anywhere between $6,000 and $20,000 per Pay Day. Both of these initial routes joined back together at the first pay day.1970s/1980s versionAbout halfway through the production of this version, many dollar values doubled (possibly to reflect ). This description focuses on the later version with the larger dollar amounts.The late 1980s version also replaced the familiar convertibles from earlier versions with -esque minivans.

(1960s era convertibles were still used in some early 1980s sets.)SalariesTo determine one's salary, a player could travel one of two routes at the beginning of the game. The shorter route was entitled Business and resulted in the player receiving a set salary of $12,000 per Pay Day. The longer route was entitled College and could earn the player anywhere between $16,000 and $50,000 for every Pay Day. Both of these initial routes joined back together at the first Pay Day.' Share the Wealth' cardsDistributed with this game were a number of 'Share the Wealth' cards. Each player started out with one, and earned another card if 'Pay Day' was reached by exact count.